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O.P.P reminds you to drive safely as the weather warms up

407 ETR and the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) are committed to road safety. As a driver, your actions directly impact your safety and the safety of other motorists. Here are some important tips to remember every time you get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle:

Pay attention to the road
Distracted drivers are a safety risk! It is illegal in Ontario for drivers to use any handheld communications and entertainment device - not just cell phones - while operating a motor vehicle. We have seen a decrease in the number of persons using handheld devices but are concerned about the large number of drivers who continue to engage in this dangerous activity.

Buckle up - seatbelts save lives
A ll Ontario drivers and passengers must wear a seatbelt in a properly adjusted and securely fastened manner - it's the law. Making sure your children are also secure in a properly installed child restraint is equally important. Wearing a seatbelt properly will dramatically increase your chance of surviving a motor vehicle collision.

Obeying the speed limits
Speed continues to be the number one cause of motor vehicle fatalities in Ontario. Slowing down and obeying the posted speed limits will reduce the number of fatal crashes and serious injury collisions - are you doing your part?

Drinking and driving
Make a wise choice before you get behind the wheel. Don't drink and drive.

Traffic safety is in everyone's best interest. Help make Ontario's highways safer for all motorists.

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