Order a Transponder

A transponder pays for itself in three round trips
Leasing a transponder for $29.50 plus tax per year or $4.75 plus tax per month is the best way to travel Highway 407 ETR. If you take three round trips a year, a transponder pays for itself, and will save you money by removing camera charges and the monthly account fee. See our rates chart to learn more.
Order Online

Already have a My Account?
If you're an existing customer with a My Account, ordering a new transponder is just a few convenient clicks away.

Don't have a My Account?
Create a 407 ETR My Account and lease a transponder today.
More ways to order
Fill out the form and email to businesshelp@407etr.com.
Fill out the Lease a Transponder Form and mail it to us. If you are ordering for a plate registered outside of Ontario, you must provide a copy (front and back) of the licence plate registration.