Where can I learn more about transponders?
A transponder is a small electronic device that you attach to your windshield behind the rear-view mirror. Each transponder has an individual signal that's picked up by sensors at entry and exit points on the highway.
Leasing a transponder for $29.50 per year or $4.75 per month is the best way to travel Highway 407 ETR. After three round trips, your transponder pays for itself. Don't pay camera charges or account fees. Learn more.
How do I mount a transponder?
Transponders should be mounted to the inside of your front windshield, about five to 10 centimetres from the top of your windshield. More tips on installing your transponder.
How do I return a transponder?
If you're no longer taking three or more trips per year, you can easily return your transponder. Simply print a pre-paid label, package the transponder and drop it in the nearest mailbox. See all return options.
What do I do if my transponder is lost or stolen?
If your transponder is lost or stolen, follow the steps below to report it immediately online to ensure that you don't receive charges that aren't yours. You are responsible for any charges up until the time you report your transponder lost or stolen.
To report your transponder lost or stolen:
Log into My Account If you don't have a My Account, create one now.
From the overview page, select "Transponders & Plates" from the left menu.
Click "Report Lost Transponder" from the sub-menu.
Select the transponder you wish to report, and click 'Submit'.
Can I use my transponder in more than one vehicle?
No sharing, please. Sharing of transponders will result in additional camera charges. Additional transponders can be leased at a discounted rate. Lease an additional transponder.
If your new plate is registered under the same name, follow the steps below to add your new plate online. If your new plate is in a different name, the registered plate owner needs to lease a new transponder in their name.
To add a new licence plate:
Log into My Account If you don't have a My Account, create one now.
Select “Transponders & Plates” from the overview page on the left navigation menu
Click “Add Plate”
Enter plate information and submit.
How do I get additional transponder fasteners for my windshield?
Customers can request fasteners up to twice a year equal to the number of transponders on your account free of charge.
To order fasteners:
Log into My Account If you don't have a My Account, create one now.
Click on Transponders
Order Fasteners
Do I need a transponder for my motorcycle?
No. A transponder is not required, as motorcycles are not subject to camera charges. To avoid the monthly account fee, consolidated your motorcycle to another account that has a transponder.
I have a transponder - why did I get Camera Charges?
Camera Charges can occur when a transponder battery is low or dead, the transponder is not mounted on the windshield, your vehicle has a metalized windshield, or the transponder is being used between vehicles.
If your transponder is not shared between vehicles and you received a Camera Charge, you can request a charge adjustment through your MyAccount if:
The Camera Charge(s) is from your most recent statement
Your 407 ETR account has an equal number of registered transponders to plates
To request a Camera Charge adjustment:
Log into My Account If you don't have a My Account, create one now.
Click on your most recent statement under "Recent Activities".
Click on "Request Charge Adjustment".
Select your account number and click "Go".
If you still need help, please chat with a live agent.
Will my built in vehicle transponder work on Highway 407 ETR?
We use the term transponder-equipped vehicle to describe any car with built-in transponder capabilities. This includes ITM devices currently found in select vehicle models.
Before driving on Ontario toll highways, please register your transponder-equipped vehicle to enjoy the convenience of your built-in device while avoiding unnecessary fees.
Please complete the following steps to register your vehicle’s ITM Registration ID:
Go to https://www.itmsignup.com/ and select your vehicle make
On the next page, select your vehicle model and year
Agree to the Terms and Conditions
Enter your vehicle’s ITM ID and click ‘Continue’
Select ‘Canada Toll Coverage’ and click ‘Register’ – you must register separately for U.S. and Canada toll roads
Record your ITM registration number that begins with A8****** (Example: A81235EA) – use this number when you complete the registration form.
Complete the registration form below which outlines 407 ETR’s terms and conditions for usage of your device. Please have your licence plate and ITM registration number ready. The form may be returned to us by email or mail.
Download the Registration Form
Email to: customerservice@407etr.com with “Transponder-Equipped Vehicle” in the subject line.
Mail to: 407 ETR 6300 Steeles Ave. W. Woodbridge, ON L4H 1J1
Questions? We’re happy to help. Please contact us for questions or more information on registering your transponder-equipped vehicle.
How to understand the charges on my bill?
Camera Charges are billed on a per trip basis when our system does not detect a transponder in your vehicle, and our overhead cameras take a picture of your licence plate.
Learn more about 407 ETR Complete Fee Details.
If you plan to take three or more round trips per year, leasing a transponder can save you money.
What is an Account Fee?
An Account Fee is added to non-transponder accounts during months when there is usage on the account. This fee covers the cost of managing and maintaining the account.
What is a Flat Toll?
Flat Tolls are rare and appear on invoices when either the entry or exit of your trip is not captured by our system and a sufficient trip history has not been established.
For light vehicles without a transponder, a Light Video Flat Toll will apply.
For heavy vehicles with a transponder where there are fewer than 10 trips recorded for that transponder over the past 72 days, or more than 25% of trips did not accurately record either the entry or exit point, a Heavy Vehicle Flat Toll will apply.
To help avoid flat tolls, please mount transponders as recommended.
What is a Calculated Trip?
Calculated trips are rare and appear on invoices when either the entry or exit of your trip is not captured by our system.
For light vehicles with a transponder, the trip is calculated based on the median distance of the trips taken with the transponder in the preceding 72 days.
When a calculated trip appears on your bill it is marked with an asterisk(*).
When a calculated trip appears on the invoice it will be marked with an asterisk(*).
What is a Trip Toll Charge?
The Trip Toll Charge is the starting rate of your trip and is billed per trip to all customers (transponder and non-transponder customers) each time you enter Highway 407 ETR.
How can I make a payment?
We offer a variety of convenient ways to pay your bill. Set up pre-authorized payments, pay through your bank or through our mobile app. See all payment options.
How to combine or split multiple bills using "One Simple Bill"?
Tired of keeping track of payments to your multiple accounts with us? Combining all your accounts on one simple bill makes it easier than ever to save time.
Many of our customers enjoy the convenience of a consolidated bill because they receive one, easy-to-read bill each month that itemizes the details of each of their transponder and licence plate account charges separately
Consolidate your billing accounts now
(You will be asked to login/create a 407 ETR Web Account - it’s fast and free and offers lots of great benefits including access to your full billing history, paperless billing, account consolidation, and much more.)
Don‘t want to consolidate your accounts online? You can print and complete the Application to receive One Simple Bill and fax or mail it to us. We will process your request as soon as we can, provided the following:
All accounts do not have an overdue balance
All account/plate holders have signed the Application to receive One Simple Bill
How can I understand more about refund and credit balance?
If you have a credit balance on your account, you have the option to:
Use your credit balance by travelling on Highway 407 ETR;
Transfer your credit balance to another 407 ETR account; or
Request a refund.
To easily request a refund or transfer your credit balance to a difference account, log into My Account.
Don’t have a My Account?
Create one today to pay your bills, set up pre-authorized payments, update your details, get access to exclusive benefits, and more.
To request a refund:
From the Overview page click on your nine digit account number (which appears as a hyperlink).
Click on 'Request Refund' and submit.
Click here to sign in and request refund.
To request a Credit Transfer:
Please note - Only the account holder or listed alternate contact can initiate a credit transfer.
From the Overview page click on the account number that has a credit balance (indicated by a "-" sign in front of the dollar amount due).
Click on 'Transfer Credit Balance'.
Select the account you wish to transfer the credit balance to and submit.
Important: As part of our account maintenance activities, all accounts with no activity for over two years will be closed in our system. If your account is closed before you have a chance to use your credit, you can request a refund at any time.
What is a Notice of Failure to Pay or Notice of Licence Plate Denial?
A Notice of Failure to Pay means that your bill is past due by 35 days. The notice explains that the balance must be paid in full and outlines 407 ETR's dispute process.
A Notice of Licence Plate Denial means your bill is past due by 90 days. The notice explains that in order to renew your licence plate(s) or obtain new ones, your past due balance must be paid in full. This balance does not include recent charges.
How can I receive my bill in French?
If you’ve travelled on the provincially-owned Highway 407 and would like to receive your bill in French, please contact us and we’ll be happy to update your account.
When will I receive my first bill?
You'll receive your first bill within 45 days after traveling on Highway 407 ETR.
All bills are issued in Canadian dollars and are due upon receipt.
If you plan to take three or more round trips per year, leasing a transponder can save you money.
Learn more about our complete fee details and how to Pay Your Bill.
Where can I learn more about 407 ETR Gift Cards?
How can I get a 407 ETR Gift Card? Currently 407 ETR Gift Cards are only available through corporate promotions. Gift Cards are not available for purchase at this time.
How can I use a 407 ETR Gift Card? You can only redeem on our website. To redeem your Gift Card click here.
Do 407 ETR Gift Cards expire? No. Cards do not have an expiry date.
Can I return my 407 ETR Gift Card for a refund? 407 ETR Gift Cards are non-refundable and can only be used to make a payment to a valid 407 ETR account.
Where do I find my 407 ETR Gift Card serial number? The serial number is on the back of your 407 ETR Gift Card, just below the barcode. Serial numbers are 19 digits. When entering your 407 ETR Gift Card serial number online, enter all the digits, without any spaces or dashes.
What is a 407 ETR Gift Card PIN? Your 407 ETR Gift Card PIN (personal identification number) is a 6 digit unique number assigned to each card for added security to help ensure only the card holder has access to the funds on the card when redeeming.
What happens if I lose my gift card? 407 ETR is not responsible for lost or stolen Gift Cards. We cannot trace or re-issue Gift Cards. Please treat your 407 ETR Gift Card as cash.
How do I view my account balance and online bill?
To view your bill online, log into My Account.
Don’t have a My Account?
Create one today to pay your bills, set up pre-authorized payments, update your details, get access to exclusive benefits, and more.
To view your current bill:
From the Overview page, click on your recent bill under 'Recent Activities'.
From the Statement Detail page you can view an html version of your bill.
Click 'Download Statement'.
To view past bills:
Click on 'Statements & Activity' on the left navigation menu.
Select an account and date range and click 'Search'.
Click on the bill you wish to view.
Click 'Download Statement'.
What is My Account?
407 ETR My Account is your one-stop destination for easy online account management.
With My Account you can:
Get statement notifications, view your balance and pay your bills
Set up pre-authorized payments for convenience
Update your information like email address and plate
Order transponders and fasteners
Enjoy news, exclusive benefits and more
Create one today:
Visit 407etr.com/myaccount. Have your account number handy (you can find it at the top righthand corner of your bill)
Select Create My Account
Once complete, you’re automatically set up for paperless bills and can enjoy the benefits of your 407 ETR My Account.
How do I update my email address in My Account?
To update your email address, log into My Account.
Don’t have a My Account?
Create one today to pay your bills, set up pre-authorized payments, update your details, get access to exclusive benefits, and more.
To change your email address:
From the Overview page click on 'Account Settings' on the left menu.
Click 'Change Email Address'.
Enter the new email address you would like to use. You will then receive an email to your new email address with a link. Click the link to active the new email address.
How do I add or remove a licence plate in My Account?
To add or remove a licence plate, log into My Account.
Don’t have a My Account?
Create one today to pay your bills, set up pre-authorized payments, update your details, get access to exclusive benefits, and more.
To add a licence plate:
From the Overview page click on 'Plates' on the left menu.
Click on 'Add Plate'.
Enter your licence plate information and click 'Submit'.
To remove a licence plate:
Please note - your licence plate must first be returned at the Ministry Of Transportation.
From the Overview page click on the licence plate you wish to remove (the licence plate will appear as a hyperlink).
Click on 'Remove Plate'.
How do I change my password for My Account?
Only an authorized user can change password.
Once signed into My Account:
From the Overview page click on Account Settings on the left menu.
Click 'Change Password' on the right side.
Enter your current (soon "old") password, then choose a new password and retype it a second time to confirm.
How do I close my account?
We're sad to see you go, and hope you've enjoyed using Highway 407 ETR.
To close your account:
Pay your full balance
If you have a My Account, log in to deactivate it (under 'Account Settings').
Once you’ve paid your balance, returned your transponder, and deactivated your My Account, you will only receive a bill if you take another trip in the future (or have trips pending to be billed since your last bill).
How do I close an account for a deceased person?
There are two ways to close an account for a deceased person.
If you can make a payment:
Make a payment for the full account balance
Return any transponders from the account
Return or transfer any plate(s) (including trailer plates) by visiting a Service Ontario location (this is important to ensure there are no future bills sent to this account)
Note: Though not required, you are still encouraged to send us a copy of the Death Certificate to estatematters@407etr.com
If payment is not possible:
You may send us one of the following documents to estatematters@407etr.com and we will assist you with closing the account:
Death certificate
Funeral card
Probate letter
Legal form from an attorney or court
Please include the name and address of the estate or person responsible for the deceased’s affairs. The executor or next of kin is contacted within seven business days.
Where can I learn more about Highway 407 ETR?
Highway 407 ETR is an all electronic, open-access toll highway serving the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) since 1999. Our highway spans 108 kilometres from QEW in the west to Brock Rd. in the east. Our state-of-the-art automated tolling systems means there are no toll booths to slow down your journey. Learn more.
Does Highway 407 ETR have roadside assistance?
Safety is our top priority. For your safety and security, 407 ETR highway patrollers are on the road 24/7. Highway 407 ETR is also patrolled by Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) and Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Enforcement Officers who provide commercial safety inspections.
Need roadside assistance?
Download the 407 ETR Mobile app to request real-time help. Available for Apple and Android users.
How much does it cost to travel on Highway 407 ETR?
Your trip's cost is determined by several factors: your vehicle type and dimensions, travel time, day of the week, highway section and direction. Your fees go towards essential services, including safety measures, highway maintenance, snow removal and policing to ensure your trip is as safe and smooth as possible. View all rates and fees. Calculate your trip before you drive.
What happens if I drive on Highway 407 ETR with a rental vehicle?
If you drive with a rental vehicle on Highway 407 ETR, the bill is sent to the rental car company directly (as the owner of the vehicle). It's up to the rental company to decide how to bill you for toll charges and/or additional administrative fees.
If you use your transponder in a rental vehicle, because there is no relationship between your transponder and the rental vehicle, charges will be billed to the rental company directly. These charges cannot be transferred to your account and the rental company will bill you for tolls and administrative fees.
What should I do if my vehicle was damaged while driving on your highway?
If your vehicle is damaged while driving on Highway 407 ETR, you may submit a Damage Claim form.
Important information you should know when reporting a damage claim:
Your claim must be received within 30 days of the incident date.
407 ETR will conduct a full investigation of our operational records with a response normally returned to sender within 10 business days.
The damage claim form must be fully complete in order for us to investigate.
If damage to your vehicle was caused by another motorist travelling on Highway 407 ETR, neither 407 ETR or our service providers are responsible for such damage, and associated claims will be declined. Please contact your insurance company and the police to report the incident.
Download the Damage Claim Form
Do you offer payment plans?
If you're having trouble paying your balance we can help.
Important information you should know when reporting a damage claim:
COVID-19 Repayment Assistance Program - If you're experiencing financial difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Financial Hardship Program - If you can't afford to pay your balance in full, are experiencing financial difficulties and need to renew your licence plate(s).
Exceptional Hardship Plan - If you've accumulated significant outstanding tolls and fees and will suffer “exceptional hardship” if you can't renew your licence plate(s).
If you have questions about these programs or would like to explore other payment options, please call 1-866-237-6471 Ext. 6004.
What do I do if my vehicle or licence plate is lost or stolen?
If your licence plate is lost or stolen, report it immediately with the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) to ensure that you do not receive charges that aren’t yours.
If the licence plate has not been reported to MTO as lost/stolen, you may send us one of the following documents to lostplate@407etr.com.
Full police report (not just the police report number)
Copy of the insurance report
Copy of an MTO declaration report
Please ensure which ever document you submit includes, plate, vehicle and date of incident.
Please be advised if your licence plate is not reported to the Ministry of Transportation and you are not able to provide any documentation, you will be responsible for any charges accumulated up until the time you report your plate lost or stolen.
What browsers do you support?
We support the following browsers:
Chrome (current version)
Firefox (current version)
Safari (current version)
iPhone and iPad (current version browsers)
Android browser (current version)
We do not support Internet Explorer running in "Compatibility mode" or versions 6 or 7 due to their poor support and security standards. Nor do we support any version of Netscape.
How can I qualify to receive a driving offer?
To qualify for a driving offer, ensure you have a My Account and keep your email address up to date. Offers are usually sent by email and also appear at the top of the overview page once you're logged into My Account.
Why did my family member/friend receive a promotional driving offer and I didn't?
The criteria used to determine offer eligibility can vary depending on the specific promotion. To ensure you're eligible, sign up for My Account and keep your email address current.
Can I move my promotional offer to a different vehicle?
Driving offers are specifically tailored to each individual customer's account and vehicle and cannot be shared or transferred to another customer or vehicle.
How do the travel time periods work?
When you're enrolled in a driving offer with specific travel time periods, you must enter Highway 407 ETR within the time periods listed in your offer. The time you exit the highway doesn't affect the offer.
I received a driving offer and I'm having difficulty signing up.
You may sign up for your driving offer through the email you received or enrol through My Account directly. If you're still having trouble, please contact us and we'll be happy to help.
I own more than one vehicle but only got a driving offer for one of them. Do my other vehicles qualify for this offer too?
Yes, all vehicles registered under your name are eligible for the driving offer. Once you drive on Highway 407 ETR during the offer period with any of your registered vehicles, the offer will automatically apply to all your eligible vehicles.
I received a driving offer for one of my vehicles. Can it be applied to another vehicle I jointly own?
No, driving offers are valid only for vehicles solely owned by the individual who received the offer. Vehicles jointly owned with another person do not qualify for the offer, even if one of the owners received it.
I have a joint My Account with someone, but only received a driving offer for one of the vehicles registered. Do all vehicles in the account qualify for this offer?
No, driving offers are tied to the individual vehicle owner, not the My Account. Only the vehicle(s) solely owned by the person who received the offer will qualify for the promotion. Vehicles registered under the joint account but owned by the other account holder do not qualify.