Business customers: Canada Post strike delivery delays
Now that the Canada Post labour disruption has ended, expect delays in the delivery of transponders. If you require a transponder urgently, please email for alternative arrangements.
Business Customers
Make the most of your Business account
Whether you're operating a family-owned business or running a commercial enterprise, we're here to help you minimize account administration so you can maximize your productivity.
Why 407 ETR is better for your bottom line
A Canadian Centre for Economic Analysis (CANCEA) report released in 2019 found that 407 ETR saved businesses almost 7.7 million hours of driving time annually, which amounts to 3,700 full-time equivalent workers. The economic benefit of time saved amounts to a whopping $371 million annual contribution to Ontario's economy through greater business productivity.
Get started
Complete your business application to lease a transponder. By law all heavy vehicles over 5,000 kg (which includes single unit trucks, tractors and buses) must have a valid transponder. Contact our business support specialist at to assist you with this process.
Convenient account set up
Your main account will house all company plates and transponders. After you've registered for a web account, you'll be able to view past invoices and manage your plates and transponders 24/7.
More information about tolls and fees
Business customers are subject to per kilometre toll rates based on the weight of the vehicle driven on Highway 407 ETR. We have five different rate classes which include Motorcycles, Light Vehicles, Medium Vehicles, Heavy Single Unit Vehicles and Heavy Multiple Unit Vehicles. Please note, additional account fees will apply. View our complete fee details for more information.
Contact us for a free assessment
407 ETR offers 99% trip reliability so you never miss a delivery or meeting. Find out how we can help you reduce your travel time and increase your productivity. Drop us an email at We're happy to answer any of your questions.
Repayment Assistance Program
We know that small businesses have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic. If you're struggling to make ends meet as a result of financial losses associated with COVID-19, your business may be eligible for our Repayment Assistance Program.
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