Transponder-Equipped Vehicle
We use the term transponder-equipped vehicle to describe any car with built-in transponder capabilities. This includes ITM devices currently found in select vehicle models.
Before driving on Ontario toll highways, please register your transponder-equipped vehicle to enjoy the convenience of your built-in device while avoiding unnecessary fees.
Please complete the following steps to register your vehicle’s ITM Registration ID:
Go to and select your vehicle make
On the next page, select your vehicle model and year
Agree to the Terms and Conditions
Enter your vehicle’s ITM ID and click ‘Continue’
Select ‘Canada Toll Coverage’ and click ‘Register’ – you must register separately for U.S. and Canada toll roads
Record your ITM registration number that begins with A8****** (Example: A81235EA) – use this number when you complete the registration form.
Complete the registration form below which outlines 407 ETR’s terms and conditions for usage of your device. Please have your licence plate and ITM registration number ready. The form may be returned to us by email or mail.
Download the Registration Form
Email to: with “Transponder-Equipped Vehicle” in the subject line.
Mail to: 407 ETR 6300 Steeles Ave. W. Woodbridge, ON L4H 1J1
Questions? We’re happy to help. Please contact us for questions or more information on registering your transponder-equipped vehicle.