Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities
Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation Policy
The purpose of the AODA – Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation Policy is to communicate the policies, practices and procedures of 407 ETR Concession Company Limited that support the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 ("AODA"), with specific regard to the Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation ("IASR") enacted under AODA. The IASR introduces accessibility standards for Information and Communications, Employment, and Transportation.
407 ETR seeks to ensure consistency with AODA's core principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equality of opportunity through the removal of barriers to individuals with disabilities in the context of the goods and services it offers.
407 ETR is committed to eliminating barriers and improving accessibility for individuals with disabilities to afford equal opportunities of programs and services. This Policy supports and reinforces the obligations set forth in 407 ETR’s Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Policy - Customer Service Standard.
This Policy is intended to meet the requirements of the IASR, and to address those standards identified as applicable to 407 ETR, specifically the:
Information and Communication Standards; and
Employment Standards
The AODA uses the Ontario Human Rights Code definition of "disability" which is:
any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical co-ordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device;
a condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability;
a learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language;
mental disorder; or
An injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997.
Established Policies, Practices and Procedures
407 ETR has established policies, practices and procedures flexible enough to adapt to the needs of individuals with disabilities, ensuring that such individuals are given equal opportunities of access.
Information and Communications Standard
407 ETR ensures that the processes for receiving and responding to feedback are accessible to individuals with disabilities, and will provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communications supports, upon request.
Feedback on how well 407 ETR is providing goods and services, as well as any comments related to this Policy or its implementation, are welcomed and can be submitted as follows:
By visiting 407 ETR’s website and completing the AODA Feedback Box on 407 ETR’s website, AODA Feedback.
by telephoning Customer Service at 1-888-407-0407
in person by visiting 6300 Steeles Ave. W. Woodbridge, Ontario L4H 1J1 (during regular business hours)
by regular mail to the Attention of the Dispute Resolution Department, 6300 Steeles Ave. W. Woodbridge, Ontario L4H 1J1; and
by email to the Attention of the Dispute Resolution Department at
All feedback received is reviewed internally and action taken where appropriate, with the goal of improving how goods and services are delivered. In each case, 407 ETR will, within 10 business days of receiving feedback, provide an acknowledgement confirming it has received the feedback, describing how the matter will be addressed, and setting out resolution timelines and notice expectations as applicable.
All such feedback and acknowledgements is provided in a format accessible to the individual, taking into account an individual’s disability.
Accessible Formats and Communication
407 ETR shall upon request provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports for individuals with disabilities, and will do so in a timely manner that takes into account the individual’s accessibility needs due to disability, and at a cost that is no more than the regular cost charged to other individuals.
407 ETR shall consult with the individual making the accessibility request in determining the suitability of an accessible format or communication support.
407 ETR provides public notification about the availability of new, accessible formats and communication supports.
Accessible websites and web content
407 ETR’s Internet website, including any websites it may control through a contractual relationship, and related web content shall conform with the World Wide Web Consortium Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) in accordance with the schedule set out in the IASR, as follows:
By January 1, 2014, new 407 ETR Internet websites and web content on those sites must conform with WCAG 2.0 Level A; and
By January 1, 2021, all 407 ETR Internet websites and web content must conform to WCAG 2.0 Level AA.
Employment Standard
407 ETR provides notification to its Personnel and the public about the availability of accommodation for applicants with disabilities in its recruitment processes.
During the recruitment process, 407 ETR shall notify job applicants, when they are individually selected to participate in an assessment or selection process, that accommodations are available upon request in relation to the materials or processes to be used.
If a selected applicant requests an accommodation, 407 ETR shall consult with the applicant and provide or arrange for the provision of a suitable accommodation in a manner that takes into account the applicant’s accessibility needs due to disability.
When making an offer of employment, 407 ETR informs the successful applicant of its policies for accommodating individuals with disabilities.
Informing Personnel of Supports
407 ETR informs it’s Personnel of its policies used to support individuals with disabilities, including, but not limited to, policies on the provision of job accommodations that take into account personnel accessibility needs due to disability.
407 ETR shall provide support information to new personnel as soon as practicable after they begin their employment.
407 ETR provides updated information to personnel whenever there is a change to existing policies on the provision of job accommodations that take into account individuals accessibility needs due to disability.
Accessible Formats and Communication Supports for Personnel
At the request of personnel with a disability, 407 ETR consults with the individual to provide or arrange for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports with respect to any:
information that is needed in order to perform the individuals job;
information that is generally available to personnel in the workplace; and
The suitability of an accessible format or communication support.
Workplace emergency response information
407 ETR provides individualized workplace emergency response information to personnel who have a disability, if the disability is such that the individualized information is necessary and 407 ETR is aware of the need for accommodation due to the individual’s disability.
If personnel who receive individualized workplace emergency response information requires assistance and with that persons consent, 407 ETR shall provide the workplace emergency response information to the person designated by the employer to provide assistance to Personnel.
407 ETR shall provide the information as soon as practicable after the employer becomes aware of the need for accommodation due to the individual’s disability.
407 ETR reviews individualized workplace emergency response information,
when the individual moves to a different location in the organization;
when the employee’s overall accommodations needs or plans are reviewed; and
When 407 ETR reviews its general emergency response policies.
Documented individual accommodation plans
407 ETR has a written process for the development of documented individual accommodation plans for its personnel with disabilities.
Individual accommodation plans include:
any information regarding accessible formats and communications supports provided;
individualized workplace emergency response information; and
Details of any other accommodations that are to be provided.
Return to Work
407 ETR has a documented return to work process for personnel who have been absent from work due to a disability and require disability-related accommodations in order to return to work.
The return to work process outlines the steps 407 ETR takes to facilitate the return to work of personnel who were absent because their disability required them to be away from work. The process also uses documented individual accommodation plans as part of the process.
The foregoing process, however, does not replace or override any other return to work process created by or under any other applicable law or regulation.
Performance Management
Any performance management 407 ETR uses in respect of its employees takes into account the accessibility needs of individuals with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans.
Career Development and Advancement
407 ETR takes into account the accessibility needs of its employees with disabilities, as well as any individual accommodation plans, when providing career development and advancement opportunities to individuals with disabilities.
407 ETR takes into account the accessibility needs of its employees with disabilities, as well as individual accommodation plans, when redeploying individuals with disabilities.
General Requirements
Multi-Year Accessibility Plan
407 ETR has developed a multi-year accessibility plan, which outlines 407 ETR’s strategy to prevent and remove barriers and meet its requirements under the AODA and the IASR; 407 ETR posts the accessibility plan on its website and will provide the plan in an accessible format upon request. The plan will be reviewed annually and updated at least once every five years.
407 ETR provides training on the requirements of the accessibility standards to all personnel. Training is included as part of 407 ETR’s New Employee Orientation Program, and on an ongoing basis, including when changes are made to relevant policies, practices and procedures.
Specifically, training covers the following areas:
the purpose of AODA, the requirements of the CSS and IASR;
customer service policies and procedures relating to the provision of goods and services to disabled people;
interacting and communicating with disabled people who have different restrictions;
interacting with a disabled person who uses assistive devices, a service animal or a support person;
use of assistive devices available on 407 ETR’s premises to assist in the provision of goods and services to disabled people; and
What to do if a person is having difficulty accessing 407 ETR’s services, including advising of potential accommodation(s), and policies and procedures, in respect of the provision of goods and services to disabled persons.
Required Documents
The following supporting documents are available upon request by the public, and may further be accessed via the service counter at 407 ETR’s premises or online at
Policies, practices, and procedures regarding the needs of individuals with disabilities, ensuring that such individuals are given equal opportunities of access.
A summary of the training program and the date(s) it was provided.
The process for receiving, accepting and responding to feedback.
Multi-year Accessibility Plan
If a document is requested by an individual, 407 ETR provides the document or information contained in the document in a format that takes into account the individual’s disability. 407 ETR and the individual will agree on the appropriate format to be used.
Download PDF version of the AODA IASR (Integrated Accessibility Standards Regulation Policy) Policy