Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities
Customer Service Standard Policy
The purpose of this Policy is to communicate 407 ETR's policies, practices, and procedures that support the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 (“AODA”), with specific regard to the Accessibility Standard for Customer Service ("CSS") enacted under AODA. 407 ETR seeks to ensure consistency with AODA's core principles of dignity, independence, integration, and equality of opportunity through the removal of barriers to individuals with disabilities in the context of the goods and services it offers.
This Policy seeks to remove barriers to individuals with disabilities by requiring, among other things, updates to applicable policies and procedures within 407 ETR, including those concerning the use of personal assistive devices, service animals and support persons; alternate modes of communication; service disruption notices; training; a feedback process; as well as a robust self-certification program.
The AODA uses the Ontario Human Rights Code definition of "disability" which is:
any degree of physical disability, infirmity, malformation or disfigurement that is caused by bodily injury, birth defect or illness and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, a brain injury, any degree of paralysis, amputation, lack of physical co-ordination, blindness or visual impediment, deafness or hearing impediment, muteness or speech impediment, or physical reliance on a guide dog or other animal or on a wheelchair or other remedial appliance or device;
a condition of mental impairment or a developmental disability;
a learning disability, or a dysfunction in one or more of the processes involved in understanding or using symbols or spoken language;
mental disorder; or
an injury or disability for which benefits were claimed or received under the insurance plan established under the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act, 1997.
Established Policies, Practices, and Procedures
407 ETR has established policies, procedures, and practices flexible enough to adapt to the needs of individuals with disabilities, ensuring that the goods and services of 407 ETR are provided in a manner that gives such individuals equal opportunities of access, physical and otherwise.
Use of Assistive Devices
407 ETR trains its employees in the use of personal assistive devices that facilitate access to 407 ETR goods and services by individuals with disabilities. For a list of personal assistive devices used at 407 ETR please refer to AODA Procedures.
Alternate Modes of Communication
407 ETR has developed alternate methods of communication with its customers that take into account the needs of individuals with various types of disabilities. Specifically, 407 ETR provides written documents in alternative formats for individuals who are visually impaired or, as applicable, a suitable video format for the hearing impaired. For a description of alternate methods of communication used at 407 ETR please refer to AODA Procedures.
Use of Service Animals and Support Persons
Individuals with disabilities may bring their service animal onto 407 ETR's business premises that is open to the general public. 407 ETR trains its employees on proper procedures used in circumstances involving service animals.
Individuals with disabilities may enter 407 ETR premises that are open to the general public accompanied by a support person. Alternately, if 407 ETR is of the view that an individual's access to its premises without the use of a support person represents a health and safety hazard, 407 ETR may require that a support person be present.
Notice of Temporary Disruptions
407 ETR promptly provides notice of any temporary disruptions to its services or facilities that are used by individuals with disabilities. The notice describes the reason for the disruption, its expected duration, and any alternative means for individuals with disabilities to access 407 ETR's goods and services during the disruption.
The notice is placed at the public entrance and service counter of 407 ETR's premises. Depending on the nature of the disruption, notice can also be provided via email, hardcopy and electronic messaging, and on 407 ETR's website, Notification is provided in formats accessible to individuals with disabilities.
Employee Training
The company trains its employees who deal directly with the public on behalf of 407 ETR, as well as employees who influence the development of the organization's policies, practices and procedures, on how to properly provide goods and services to individuals with disabilities. Training is included as part of 407 ETR's New Employee Orientation Program, and on an ongoing basis, including when changes are made to relevant policies, practices and procedures..
Specifically, training covers the following areas:
the purpose of AODA and the requirements of CSS;
customer service policies and procedures relating to the provision of goods and services to disabled people;
interacting and communicating with disabled people who have different restrictions;
interacting with a disabled person who uses assistive devices, a service animal or a support person;
use of assistive devices available on 407 ETR's premises to assist in the provision of goods and services to disabled people; and
what to do if a person is having difficulty accessing 407 ETR's services, including advising of potential accommodation(s), and explaining applicable policies and procedures, in respect of the provision of goods and services to disabled persons.
Feedback Process
This Policy seeks to meet the expectations of 407 ETR's customers in the delivery of goods and services, which means listening and responding to feedback from individuals with disabilities.
Feedback on how well 407 ETR is providing goods and services, as well as any comments related to this Policy or its implementation, are welcomed and can be submitted as follows:
by visiting 407 ETR's website and by completing the Accessibility Feedback Box on 407 ETR's website, AODA Feedback.
by telephoning Customer Service at 1-888-407-0407
in person by visiting 6300 Steeles Ave. W. Woodbridge, Ontario L4H 1J1 (during regular business hours.)
by regular mail to the Attention of the Dispute Resolution Department, 6300 Steeles Ave. W. Woodbridge, Ontario L4H 1J1; and
by email to to the Attention of the Dispute Resolution Department at
All feedback received is reviewed internally and action taken where appropriate, with the goal of improving how goods and services are delivered. In each case, 407 ETR will, within 10 business days of receiving feedback, provide an acknowledgement confirming it has received the feedback, describing how the matter will be addressed, and setting out resolution timelines and notice expectations as applicable.
All such feedback and acknowledgements will be provided in a format accessible to the individual, taking into account an individual's disability. In addition, the privacy of individuals providing feedback to 407 ETR will be respected.
Required Documents
The following supporting documents will be available upon request by the public, and may further be accessed via the service counter at 407 ETR's premises or online at
Policies, practices, and standards regarding the provision of goods and services to individuals with disabilities, including policy in respect of the use of assistive devices as well as assistive services available to the public.
Policy permitting service animals and support persons on business premises, including: (a) when service animals are excluded due to another law; (b) if service animals are excluded, alternative measures to provide goods and services to a disabled person; and (c) the circumstances under which a support person may be required to accompany a disabled person, if applicable.
The steps taken to provide notice of a temporary disruption, including: (a) when and where notice is posted; (b) information the notice contains; and (c) the alternative facilities and services offered in the event of a temporary disruption.
A summary of the training program and the date(s) it was provided.
The process for receiving, accepting, and responding to feedback.
If a document is requested by an individual, 407 ETR will provide the document or information contained in the document in a format that takes into account the individual's disability. 407 ETR and the disabled person will agree on the appropriate format to be used.
Download PDF version of the AODA CSS (Customer Service Standard Policy) Policy