Report Lost or Stolen Transponder

If you report your transponder lost or stolen it will be deactivated immediately. You remain responsible for all charges up until the time you report a transponder lost or stolen to 407 ETR.
A Transponder Replacement Fee will be charged, as transponders are the property of 407 ETR. Included with the Transponder Replacement Fee is a replacement transponder, which will be provided on request. If your original transponder is found or returned to 407 ETR in good working order, we will credit your account the Transponder Replacement Fee.
To report a lost or stolen transponder, please follow these steps:
Log in to your 407 ETR My Account.
Click on Transponders, then Report Lost Transponder.
Select the transponder you wish to report lost or stolen and click Continue.
Don't have an online My Account? Create one now.